Lash Line Enhancement Training

  • 1:1 Training (personalized and customized to each student and their individual needs)

  • Increase your income and become a fully booked beauty artist!

  • Get certified in the fastest growing industry

  • Hands-on practice during your training

  • Continuous support after completion of class

  • Theoretical advice based on Trainer’s real-life experience

  • Unique techniques that will make you stand out

  • Full sized kit (included in the price)

  • Marketing/Camera tips to start your practice

  • Certification upon completion

Course tuition: $2000
Course length: 2 days (extra days are optional)

(Non-refundable Deposit - $500)

What Will You Learn?

Day 1

You will learn all the information & facts about the Lash Line Enhancement procedure, equipment needed for your future clients, and color+needle theory. You will be able to practice on latex with different machines, speeds, and needles. We will also be providing a live demo model for you to watch before taking models on your own.

  • What is Lash Line Enhancement?

    Camera Angles

    Latex Practice

    Live Demo from Trainer

    Tools and Supplies

    Color+Needle Theory

    Different Eye Shapes

    Complete Supply List

    Hand Movement/Machine Speed

    Tips for Success

    Old Tattoo Cover-Ups

    Pre-Care and Aftercare Instructions

    Brief Description of Bottom Lash Enhancement


Day 2

You will take 2 models on your own under our supervision. You will practice various machine and hand speeds and use different needles to determine which works best for you. We will practice how to take photos of your clients as well as how to have a thorough consultation. You will receive your certification after completion of your models.

    • Lunch

    • Practice Camera Angles+Consultaitons

    • Sanitation and Sterilization

Your Kit Includes

Lash Line Enhancement Training Workbook, PMU needles/cartridges, Topical Numbing, Lash Enhancement Pigments, Microswabs, Practice/Latex Skin, Aftercare Supplies, Eyewash, Q-tips, Cotton Rounds, Small Plastic Cups.

Class Requirements

  • You must have some experience in shading (not microblading.)

  • It is your responsibility to provide your two models for the 2nd day. If you have traveled from outside the state, we will be happy to find you models. Please let us know in advance.

  • Blood Borne Pathogen Certification and Valid ID is required before you start this course.

  • Please Note: A valid tattoo license is needed to start your practice. Each state has different laws, so please look into your state’s requirements.

Schedule a Class